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Our advocacy is guided by the Alliance for Healthier Communities Model of Health and Wellbeing which includes Health Equity and Social Justice as a guiding principle. Advocacy for healthier public policy and a community development approach where community members are engaged in developing solutions and actively participate in public policy decision making are critical components of the CHC model.


Access to the social determinants of health (income, employment, housing, healthy food, education) is what makes the biggest different to our health and wellbeing. Advocacy to eliminate barriers to accessing these social determinants is necessary in order to address the root causes of poverty and inequity.


Our advocacy efforts are accomplished through partnership with the community through a variety of strategies.

Advocacy Committee

As a committee of our Board of Directors, the SWCHC Advocacy Committee was established over 10 years ago to guide the advocacy efforts of SWCHC. The committee meets monthly and members include Board members, community members, partner organizations, and staff.  

Community-Based Research

We conduct research to better understand the issues facing our community and to develop policy recommendations. Click here to view our research reports.

Advocacy Initiatives and Campaigns

SWCHC conducts its own advocacy campaigns to bring a local lens to systemic issues in an effort to advance healthy public policy.


Our current advocacy priorities and campaigns include:


Building Community Together

Ensuring new construction projects include affordable housing and authentically consult on West Centretown’s needs.


Building Community... Together

Ensuring new construction projects include affordable housing and authentically consult on West Centretown’s needs.


Social Services Matter Campaign

With our partners, we are advocating to the City of Ottawa for increased resources for community and social services.

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